Support Us

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17

We love our volunteers and donors!

We work with individuals, groups, and program clients to find tasks best suited for you. Click on our volunteer wish list to view all sorts of things and complete our Volunteer Interest form to indicate how you’d like to pitch in!

Our donation wish list includes many items essential to providing services; our cash need is reduced when these items are provided by generous donors like you. Thanks for your support!

A Note About Visiting Hand In Hand Farm

Once you’ve scheduled a training time, we ask you drive 5 mph on the gravel driveway for safety reasons; if you encounter someone with animals or equipment, please stop until signaled to continue. Come to the house and knock on the front door if someone does not come out to greet you within a couple of minutes. The first part of the training is a safety orientation, which takes about an hour. Parents should participate in orientation with their children and sign release forms even if the parent does not intend to attend activities.